Course Description

  1. Methodology :
    1. Chapter Wise Test
    2. Expert Faculties
    3. Individual Attention
    4. Daily Attendance Message
    5. All Classrooms Under CCTV

Electrostatics and Magnetism: Electric charges, Coulomb's law, electric field, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance, magnetic field, Ampere's law, electromagnetic induction, and Faraday's law.
Optics: Ray optics, wave optics, interference, diffraction, and polarization.
Modern Physics: Dual nature of matter and radiation, atoms and nuclei, semiconductor devices, and communication systems.

Solid State and Solutions: Crystal lattice, unit cell, imperfections in solids, types of solutions, colligative properties, and solubility.
Electrochemistry: Redox reactions, electrochemical cells, electrolysis, and conductance.
Chemical Kinetics: Rate of reaction, order and molecularity, factors affecting rate of reaction, and collision theory.
Surface Chemistry: Adsorption, catalysis, colloids, and emulsions.

Continuity and Differentiability: Continuity, differentiability, derivatives of composite functions, and mean value theorem.
Application of Derivatives: Tangents and normals, rate of change, and approximation.
Integrals: Integration as anti-derivative, definite integrals, area under curves, and application of integrals.
Differential Equations: Types of differential equations, formation, and solutions of differential equations.

Reproduction in Organisms: Modes of reproduction, reproductive structures, and reproductive strategies in plants and animals.
Genetics and Evolution: Mendelian genetics, molecular basis of inheritance, genetic disorders, mechanisms of evolution, and human evolution.
Ecology and Environment: Ecosystem, biodiversity, environmental issues, and conservation measures.
Biotechnology and Its Applications: Tools and techniques in biotechnology, gene therapy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and bioprocess engineering.

Practical Work:
Practical sessions in science involve experiments, investigations, and project work related to the theoretical concepts studied in the curriculum. These practical's help students develop experimental skills, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry abilities.